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5 Ways to Make Big Bucks Through Illustration

One of the major setbacks of being a freelance artist is that finding work can be difficult. May it be through online platforms or through others, the market is highly saturated in current times and that makes it hard to beat the competition in order to get to the top. However, there is no reasons to feel bad about that, there are several applicable methods to make significant amounts of money online, you just need to link yourself with the right sources and you are all set to go.

Here are 5 tips that can help you gain the best out of your work and make huge amounts of money as an illustrator, not only will you have a better grounding at selling your artwork but you will gain more projects with high end clientele.


5 Tips to Gain Significant Amounts of Revenue Through Illustration

1)- Connecting with Online Gigs:

There is more than one method to make money online however the most effective and efficient method to do that is through connecting yourself with online gigs, as a freelances you will have great opportunities by entering the freelance marketplace. There are several sites that assist illustrators in gaining clients through publishing their portfolio on the given platform, enabling both parties to reach out to one another based on their requirements and gaining the best outcomes.


2) Going into the Commission Side:

This is one of the best methods for all illustration styles, whether you are into tradition mediums of illustration or incline more towards the digital side, you will be most likely to make sales through creating commissioned artwork. Not only is this method fast paced by caters to a larger chunk of clientele that are looking for ways to either accessorize their business through aesthetics or simply art lovers that appreciate colors are imagery. However, in this methodology you will be required to showcase your work and promote it either through making use of search engines or through profiles but without promotion your artwork will not be able to reach out to many, and you wouldn’t want that. The larger the audience is the greater the conversion rates are going to be.


3)- Selling your Vector based Designs:

There is nothing better than selling your artwork on online platforms, especially since the internet has a mass majority of population. Not just that, the strategy is quite profitable and returns the investment in shorter periods of time. However, for this all to work you will be required to associate yourself with a site that can work as per your niche and help you in striving towards your goals and aims. Moreover, the main aim whilst you work with these sites should be to form a profitable niche that can set your apart from others in the same market as yours.


4)- Selling Posters and Prints:

This is yet another effective way to sell artwork online and the best part about this is that customers get to gain the piece in physical forms, especially if they are avid art lovers who prefer to collect art pieces to display in their homes. You can opt to display your work on online platforms in forms of prints and posters, all in different sizes as per the consumer’s requirements. This will boost your reputation as an artist and give you an edge within the creative industry, forming you a fan base that appreciates your work.

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5)- Printing art on Objects:

This is comparatively new but artists have found this method to be highly effective, where they print their artwork on objects such as cups, shirts and many other objects that are used in our daily lives. This is sort of similar to selling posters and prints however the only difference is that these prints are on objects that are going to be in continuous use and customers love owning fancy and unique kits. Not only is this going to promote your work but increase your sales along with your reputation as an artist who runs his/her own business.

By following these 5 tips you can guarantee to experience an increase in your revenue generation. No matter how saturated the market gets, the creative industry is still going to make way for potential artists to get to the top, you just have to grasp onto whatever opportunity you are getting and make use of it. Apart from that, keep in mind to stay original to your work and deliver your voice through it, people always appreciate work that has an individuality of its own as that identity makes the art piece more engaging and interesting. Implement these 5 tips mentioned above and carve your way through all restrains and confinements and stand out in the freelance industry with exceptional illustrations.