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10 Simple and Effective Ways to Learn the English Language

You learn a new language by talking, listening, reading, and writing. Just talking and listening is not enough. If you read then you develop your vocabulary while writing helps you to put down your thoughts in a much coherent manner.

Learning a new language that is not your first language can take some time. However, if you do it correctly then you can learn the language in just a few months especially if it is English. People around the world who want to learn English can read the following ways to learn the language effectively.

1.  Start with Entertainment (Movies, TV Shows, Music)

Perhaps the easiest and effective way to learn the English language is by watching Hollywood movies, TV shows and listening to the music of different genres. When I started learning English I downloaded all the classical movies, old and new then-popular TV shows both sitcoms and Drama. I binged watched them for over a year.

I also downloaded movie play scripts to learn new words which I didn’t know earlier. Next, I started listening to music like rock & roll, pop, classical, metal, etc with lyrics. Without lyrics, you may not understand even a word because of their different accent.


2.  Hanging with English Speaking Friends Offline & Online 

A man is known by the company he keeps. The more you speak the faster you learn. Surround yourself with English-speaking friends, friends who are more likely to speak in English rather than in their native language.

You can take part in debates or group discussions about a particular subject. Don’t fear talking, speak even in broken English. This is the only way you will learn. You can also make friends online and chat/talk with them in person via Zoom.

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3.  Listen to YouTube and Podcasts

If you are online then don’t waste your time watching prank videos. Listen to video podcasts on YouTube. Listen to videos that are political in nature, videos that talk about popular culture and society in general.

I recommend you listen to political commentators from the USA. Target this particular country. Learn everything about their history, politics, economy, etc. Short documentaries of length 20 minutes are the best ones. Listening to videos other than entertainment and fun requires a lot of patience. You must go through this.


4.  Reading English Literature

To further embellish you can read English literature like fiction, poems, novels, short stories written by famous writers like Shakespeare, Dickens, George Orwell, Milton, Robert Frost, etc.

You don’t have to read every author you just have to choose a few of them and read their work. But if you find reading too boring and monotonous then don’t do it. There are many other effective ways to learn English. People with arts backgrounds can surely skip this.


5.  Join an English Speaking Course

If you are too lazy or don’t want to follow the above-mentioned tips then you can join an English-speaking course. Such courses will help you learn English in a more systematic manner. Under the correct guidance of instructors, you will be forced to learn the language. You simply can’t escape it.

You also have to pass the test in order to get the certificate. However, you have to pay a fee and also take some of your precious time off to attend coaching classes. Make sure you join a course which is renowned and offered by some of the best institutes in your city.

On the internet, there are some of the best free online English courses available that can help you improve your English Language. The good thing about free online English courses is that you can take them in your free time which surely improves your communication skill, and you will be able to speak, write and understand the English language better than before.


6.  Wren & Martin Grammar Book

If you want to dig deep and learn the fundamentals of the language then read Wren and Martin grammar. After reading the book and completing exercises you will be able to write correct and meaningful sentences.

You will be able to construct sentences that are not only grammatical right but also have meaning to it. I know many of you won’t read a grammar book but if you do then you will understand the underlying principles of the language.


7.  Always Carry an Oxford Pocket Dictionary

Perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier in the article. Always carry a small oxford pocket dictionary with you. Normally a layperson has a very poor vocabulary. He or she knows just a few thousand words. An oxford pocket dictionary can help people to learn new words daily.

Whenever you come across a new word in the English language you can refer to the dictionary and learn the meaning. Whether you are listening to videos, watching movies or reading literature, a pocket dictionary would always come in handy.


8.  Writing Personal Diary or an Essay/Article Daily

Just reading, listening, or talking is not enough to learn a language. If you want to master it then you have to write more often. I would recommend you start a personal diary where you write about things that happened to you daily.

Write about incidents that impacted you and had a lasting effect on your memory. Initially, you would find it difficult to write down your thoughts on paper. But after some time you may start writing with greater ease.


9.  Make Best Use of Technology (English Learning Apps)

The use of technology can make your English learning efforts all fun and games. For example, if you want to play crossword puzzles then you don’t need a newspaper, you can download an app on your phone and play all day.

Similarly, there are other board games that can help to brush up your English. You can download apps that are dedicated to English learning. Technology can also help you connect with tutors who teach English online.


10. Finally, Take a Trip to an English Speaking Country

If you have implemented all of the above points and have still not been able to learn the language then you can take a trip to an English-speaking country like the USA, UK, Canada, etc. When you interact with native English-speaking people you learn the language very quickly and easily.

The best way to learn any language or culture is through traveling. Although not everyone can afford to visit these countries if you can then stay there for a few weeks and interact with all kinds of people.



So these were 10 simple yet effective ways to learn the English language. I suggest you to follow and implement at least the first 3 points. You will learn the language very easily.