What you find online when you look for SEO guide or tactics to work for your project? Most of the results that you get online would be all about – ‘create great content’, ‘build quality backlinks’, ‘look for search intent’, and so on. Well, all these seem generic and something that you find on every other guide or webpage you browse.
However, SEO is not just about these standard tactics. It encompasses much more, and aspects that you wouldn’t have heard or thought about before. Here, what we bring forward for you is not the general stuff, but ideas and concepts that you would really feel great about knowing. Don’t believe us? Read on to know:
1. Use Not General but Animated Images
Ask any great and quality name in SEO company in India, and they will tell you how important is the time spent by a user on a website for its ranking factor. Use animated SVGs (better in quality as compared to GIFs), which keeps the users hooked on to the webpage and they stop from scrolling further, thus spending more time on the webpage.
2. Create & Present Content through Content Hubs
It is a proven fact that organic traffic increases by a great margin if you are using content hub. Now, we come to the question, what a content hub is. In short and basic it is a mini Wikipedia on any given topic.
- Content hub is organized through categories
- Each category contains different elements pertaining to that concept, centered around a single keyword, with info presented like a Wiki article
- This type of presentation fits the search intent better, returns results pertaining to what that topic is, what it does, and its importance – something that users are more interested in knowing
- Every element is connected to others strategically, leading to a robust link-building profile
3. Make Use of Comparison Keywords
If you have ever considered it, you would know how much today’s searchers are interested in comparing different products, services, brands, tools or so. iPhone vs Android, Shopify vs Woo Commerce – just a few of the examples in this context.
These keywords aren’t high difficult or have too much of competition, which you will certainly enjoy. Using keywords that pitch you against the competitors in an optimized content will definitely work to your advantage and such content rank well fast and with less effort.
4. Create Content Using Original Content
Google, other search engines, and users alike love and prefer seeing only fresh and original content, including images. Using stock photos doesn’t help ranking, and are just about fulfilling the need to use images. So, better, have a professional graphic designer create professional high-resolution images pertaining to your subject or topic. And it isn’t that hard and troublesome a task as you may think initially, and benefit you directly and indirectly (indirectly means a great image, infographic or chart can be embedded by other blogs, generating links back to the source).
Also Read: Top 10 SEO Interview Questions of all Time
5. Consider SERP Real Estate Rather Than 1st Ranking in Google
SEO is all about getting high rank and consequently more and more links. While one-third of all clicks go for the 1st ranking link on the 1st page, it is not the only way you can focus on generating organic clicks. You should look at SERP Real Estate –meaning taking control of more pixels on the SERPs.
Create diversified content to rank on:
- Featured Snippets
- YouTube Videos
- Rich Snippets
- Guest Posts
- Top Stories
- And more as such
6. Comment Section in Blog Pages is Not There for Nothing
On the blog section on your website, make sure to always include a comment section and encourage the users to leave their views and feedbacks. These help to:
- Enhance more communication and engagement with your readers that can help improve conversion rate
- Ensure people spend more time on the page, a direct ranking factor
- You can re-direct the users to more related info and content on your website
- Significantly, comment section is an aspect that Google does factor in for crawling, indexing and ranking
7. Optimize ‘Content Features’
In today’s times, a great SEO strategy pertaining to creating and presenting content that not only excites the users to read through but also liked by Google and other search engines is using different features that include:
- Quote boxes
- Comparison charts
- Infographs
- Advantage –Disadvantage lists
- Calculators
- Stats pointers
- Summaries
- And more
These facets are basically supplementary context that add to the overall content value, makes it more useful, compelling and helps enhance direct and indirect ranking.
8. Have You Considered Using Podcasts?
Let me put one thing – Podcasts can be the best alternative to generate backlinks effectively, better than guest posts.
Yes, we are not joking. Of course, you should be confident and willing to do this. Make use of networking to get a presence on a podcast, and start sharing your story, idea and everything else constructive and productive that you can share with the audience. Not only it will create high reputation for you personally, but create an effectual brand image for your business.
So, are you using any of these tactics in your SEO strategies? Is your SEO company in India factors in these facets that can work wonders for your SEO results?