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Top 8 Benefits of Homegrown Vegetables

From being financially sustainable to environmentally friendly, homegrown vegetables have tons of benefits. Here are the top 8 benefits of homegrown vegetables. 

1. Super Fresh and Healthy

Homegrown vegetables are planted and harvested within the proper time gap. Vegetables sold in grocery stores are brought from millions of miles away and days after the harvest. The nutrient content in these vegetables is ultimately less. When you pick vegetables from your own garden, it’s vitamin content is at the highest, making them extremely healthy and fresh.


2. Pocket Friendly

Although starting your own vegetable garden can involve some initial investments, it can be very cost-effective in the long run. Growing your own vegetables saves money spent on purchasing it from groceries. Vegetables like cherry tomatoes, garlic, spinach, lettuce, carrots and heirloom tomatoes are usually expensive in supermarkets. With half the cost, these can be produced at home. 


3. Saves Time 

Frequently going out to buy produce from groceries can result in spending money on fuel and can be time-consuming. Homegrown vegetables provide easy access and you do not have to take trips to the market to prepare an unplanned meal suddenly.

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4. A Healthy, Plant-Based Diet

Homegrown vegetables give you the opportunity to eat healthier. Fewer trips to groceries will make you buy less processed foods and, more vegetables will encourage you to try out more plant-based recipes for a healthier diet.


5. Burning Calories

Did you know you can burn up to 400 calories each hour? Gardening activities like digging, pulling out weeds, planting can activate core muscles and movements like squatting, bending, walking, stretching and lifting are involved. It promotes an active lifestyle and you will get to spend some time out in fresh air.


6. Reduces Wastage and Promotes Composting

Vegetables in grocery shops and supermarkets are sometimes packaged in plastics for selling. Expired produce and the vegetables not sold at the end of the day are ultimately dumped into the trash. Homegrown vegetables are not wasteful. You will grow according to how much you will consume. However, spoiled vegetables can be used for composting and in turn, making the soil even more fertile for your next planting period.


7. Good Vitamin D content

Going out and spending time in the sun can be a great source of vitamin D for you. Gardening can be used as a stress-relieving technique and a few minutes spent outside will make you feel happy. Studies have shown that gardening can reduce the chances of depression, stress, anxiety and dementia.


8. No Harmful Toxins

Vegetable gardening does not require the use of chemicals and harmful pesticides. Such preservatives are used in supermarkets to make the produce look attractive and fresh even after days, compromising on the quality of the vegetables. Food-borne diseases are avoided and you have nothing but the fresh on your plate. 


9. The Takeaway

Overall, growing vegetables at home can be a win-win in all aspects. Initially, it can be a very overwhelming process and may require initial investments but in the long run, it can provide a lot of advantages, comfort and convenience.