
Boost Your Website Traffic

Google Penalty: What Are They And How To Fix Them

Now that businesses are booming online as well, the need for more constraints come up. These constraints are especially handled by companies such as Google. As it is the world’s top search engine it has got its own search engine algorithm and system, this algorithm assists users in finding their searches and results. The surfing browser gives business owners a chance to register and claim their brand name online to set an online awareness. This is registered as a site entering the digital marketplace, now marketers need to assemble their online profiles along with user-friendly blogs or websites, the same goes for search engine optimization services look at here now for Best real estate search engine optimization.

For websites created under the rules and guidelines of Google, a Google penalty means trouble. When a website gets a penalty it means the site is no longer available on search results or the ranking algorithm sets your target keywords at a lower rank. The thing is, it does not matter if your website is well-intended either.


Taking an algorithm for a penalty is the most common misconception about Google penalties, for example professional updates such as Penguin or Panda are algorithms that work on a certain set of rules and formulas that automatically gives satisfactory results. However, under these algorithms, websites that do not reach the standards are handled by Google as to demote the unfavorable sites. Another way through which a website can get penalized is through the reviews and feedback of reviewers hired directly by Google. There are upcoming technologies which would soon replace human reviewers. So, simply staying on the wrong side of the advanced algorithm may be a disadvantage for generating organic traffic.

The penalized website received a manual action report through Google Search Console, as soon as the violation is fixed the website owner in question is supposed to explain the initial details of the violation and later present a resolution in the form of a Reconsideration Request. The request is not necessary for websites not up to the standards of the algorithm. So to know the unspoken rules or to have a sharper sense of avoiding these penalties placed upon your website read the following tips.

Also Read: The Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing


Who Knew Redirects Could Be Sneaky

Cloaking is the process of presenting different pages to the user and another version of the page to Google, this redirects the users to another page which is not the same as the page displayed to Google. This act violates the Webmaster Guideline issued by Google, it comes under two forms.

  • Partial Matches have an impact on parts of the site in question
  • Side- Side Matches have an overall impact on the whole website


  • Go to “Google Search Console”, click on Crawl then fetch as Google. This allows users to gather the affected pages of the website
  • Start differentiating between the content gathered and that of your website
  • Make sure both sides are made in the same format
  • Check for redirects and remove the ones that send the users to unknown routes, conditional re directions, cloaked redirects
  • After the issue is resolved, send in a reconsideration request


For Mobile Devices

There are pages on websites that direct the users to unverified content, this is also a violation against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Upon discovery, a manual action is received by the responsible website. This is a common occurrence since screen resolution changes in mobile devices. So developers redirect users from one url to another for a better user experience so long as the redirect sends the users to a page that is the same as the original version, sometimes the users are directed to to different pages and this violates the guideline policy. This happens when,

  • The added codes generate a set of rules when redirecting occurs
  • When a script is attached for ads and it basically redirects users
  • Cases when hackers add a script that redirects the users to malevolent sites


If the act is intended then go check the Security Issues Report to see if any hackers breached your website security. Go a step further and check all third party scripts or elements used in building your site. Upon confirmation of no hackers, next is to investigate the third party scripts,

  • For the third party scripts you have no control over, remove them
  • Now ensure the redirection process has stopped through mobile devices
  • After spotting a potentially problematic script, remove it and if the script holds an important interface the try to debug it and prepare a reinstall action


 For Intended Sneaky Redirects

  • To make sure you are aligned with Google’s guidelines make a check of your site on your mobile device.
  • After editing and checking your devices, go to Google Search Console, the Security and Manual Actions opens choose Manual Actions and Request A Review. Make sure to be frank with the error and mention the steps of reconciliation.


The Use Of Cloaked Images

This is similar to the cloaked pages but this time it is with the use of images.


  • Make sure you show the same image to Google as with the users
  • Send in a Reconsideration Request upon resolving the issue


Keyword Stuffing

The use of hidden text or keywords in your website is a direct violation to the guidelines, the same as Cloaked Pages it goes with portions of your website or the entire website.


  • Go to the Google Search Console, click on Crawl and Fetch as Google to get the pages that are affected
  • Collect all the texts that is in the same colour as the web page or its background
  • You can also use tools like CSS positioning to spot these hidden texts
  • You can either completely remove the text or make some edits on them to make it visible
  • Re-edit or trash paragraphs that have an amount of repeated keywords or are not related to the topic.
  • Make an effort to fix title tags and alternative texts that has a line of repetitive words
  • Steer clear of any other keyword stuffing
  • Finally, submit the reconsideration request


Downright Spam

This one is a serious violation as it’s clearly meant to spam. This is typically performed through spamming techniques, automated blather, cloaking and other scrapping strategies. This also comes in two forms of penalty, parts of the site or the whole site.


  • It depends on the number of offences committed, if it is the first time then work with the Webmaster Guidelines
  • Then submit a Reconsideration Request



These guidelines and strict actions are enforced to promote a better digital environment for users that use all sorts of devices. For example for real estate, there are apps and websites that get constantly optimised to be up to date with its versions as for websites looking for polishing their performance look at here now for Best real estate search engine optimisation.


About The Author:-

Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Global Clients. He love to share his thoughts on Web & App Development, Clone App Development and Game Development.