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How to Rank Fiverr Gig on First Page?

One of the largest online markets for digital service – Fiverr. There are already 3.42 million active users, and this number is continuously growing. On the Fiverr marketplace, people who never made any money before now earn six figures annually. On Fiverr, some users are also indulged in make it a full-time career. The gigs listed first in the search receive a tonne of orders every day. Since there are already millions of gigs and service providers on Fiverr, the question is how to get your desired keywords to rank on Fiverr first page.


Fiverr Algorithms –

In this article I will explain the algorithms of the Fiverr and how you can also Rank your Gig on the First Page of Fiverr. Let’s understand how Fiverr Algorithm works-

  • The first thing which is most crucial is do not deliver your work late to your clients. As Fiverr doesn’t want their customers any inconvenience and then ultimately switching to other platforms such as or Upwork. Keep another thing in mind that don’t submit the work too early.
  • You must keep your response time fast within 1-2 hours. Try to respond the messages quickly.
  • You must take time to understand what the user wants and take your time to avoid any cancellation in between the ongoing order which will negatively affects your profile and SEO Fiver Gigs.
  • Remember the law, always keep your customer happy. Always focus on giving the best customer satisfaction.


Fiverr Ranking Decoded –

As I have told you about the Fiverr Ranking Algorithms , let us know about how you can Rank your Gigs on the first page of the Fiverr.

– Always give you gig a perfect title.

– Your gig should have an essential keywords, tag and description.

– Make sure to have a great tags and description.

– The gig title, tags, description and URL must contain exact keywords.

Make you gig description excellent and attractive to your customers and it should not be complex rather try considering making it to the point and easy to understand.

Do proper and accurate on page SEO of Your Gig, make sure to do research about the topic, your description should have all the keywords , your tag should have the keywords, the image should be relevant and the description should be simple and to the point. Add your keywords to the main title of the gig. Your selling price should also be good and competitive not too high. You can also create multiple gigs of the same category and target them with the proximate title , keywords, tags and description. This will gradually improve your chance to  rank first page of the Fiverr.

You can also promote your Fiverr gigs on social media as social media have high number of visitors and the crowd is very large in numbers. It will attract people and will ultimately reach tons of buyers and sellers. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In , Twitter and Pinterest could be a great choice when it comes to sharing the Gigs of Fiverr. You can also become a top rated Fiverr seller and boost your gig on the first page of the Fiverr.


Mistakes to Watch Out For –

Some mistakes that people usually do while making gigs. These mistakes should be avoided in order to rank your gig on the first page of the Fiverr. Here are some of them –

  • You should add the Title of the Gig correctly in order to make it rank. If title will be different or incorrect then the URL will be different from the title of your gig and it’s a big NO in perspective of SEO when you are trying to rank.
  • Make sure to take your time and upload the image correctly at 1 time changing the image again and again will negatively affects the SEO.
  • Just don’t ask for the reviews from the clients or the buyers.
  • Make sure to read all the terms and conditions thoroughly , I have seen many people not reading all the terms and conditions and end up getting their account deleted by the Fiverr itself.
  • If you are doing it for the first time then make sure to visit your competitors profile of your niche see what they are doing m how they are doing it and then slowly start building your profile value.
  • Never steal an idea or piece of material from another customer in the same niche. It will be beneficial if you just review other merchants’ content and build your own in accordance.
  • You must posses all the skills which you will mention in your gig, so make sure make gigs on the topics in which you have proper skills and qualification.



Question 1 –  How long does it take to Get to the Fiverr Ranks?

By following the points like – to use the appropriate keywords in your profile. If the appropriate keywords to target are done equally as you have done the keyword research part . Also Correct Gig Optimization is important, as well.

It takes 24-48 hours for low competition keywords to appear in search results. High demand and high competitiveness result in a 4 to 12-week ranking process. If after a week you are still not ranking on Fiverr, you must update your keywords.

Question 2 – Is the Fiverr Gig Rank Checker Available for No Cost?

The answer is yes because there are numerous websites like fiverrlytics in the modern world. We may use the internet to verify the status of your job, or we can perform an SEO for our gig in exchange for a little token fee.



To sum up all the things, everything need time. You will not get ranking on the first page of the Fiverr just in 1 shot or 1 gig. Have patience, do all the things in the right way follow all the points and tips which I have shared in this Guest Post. Furthermore if you have any questions or doubts regarding the post then make sure to comment down.