
Boost Your Website Traffic

Best Backlink Building Strategy in 2024

In 2024, mastering an effective backlink building strategy remains pivotal in propelling your business up the search rankings. Here, we’ll explore why backlinks are important, what they are and the latest tactics & insights to optimize your online presence and drive sustainable growth.


Backlink Building Strategy: Why are Backlinks Important?

Backlinks are considered one of the most important factors in determining your search engine ranking. The more high-quality backlinks your site has, the higher it will appear in search results. Backlinks also drive organic traffic to your website, and enhance brand visibility and credibility.


What are Backlinks?

Backlinks are nothing more than links from an external website to your site. When this happens, it signals to Google that your site is a valuable and trustworthy source of information, which improves your website’s authority and credibility.


Types of Backlinks

  • Do-follow: these are the most valuable type of backlink, as they pass on link equity to your website. This means you will receive a boost to your search engine ranking.
  • No-follow: these backlinks do not pass on link equity, but can still be beneficial for your website as they can help to increase website traffic and brand awareness.

Quality vs Quantity

When it comes to backlinks, quality is more important than quantity. In other words, a few high quality backlinks from reputable websites is way more valuable than many low quality backlinks from junk websites.


Backlink Building Strategy

If you want to gain all the benefits of SEO for your business, then follow the backlink building strategy steps outlined in this section.

Create Linkable Assets

Create valuable, engaging content like comprehensive guides, infographics, and case studies that attract quality links. Structure your content strategically with relevant headings, subheadings, and internal links for optimal visibility and improved link-building.

The wise-words of marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk could not be more true: “In a world of overhyped marketing buzzwords, ‘content is king’ stands tall as the one true mantra for success. It’s the foundation upon which all marketing efforts are built, the fuel that ignites engagement, and the currency that drives conversions.”

Guest Blogging and Outreach

Discover top-tier websites within your industry open to guest blogging. Propose original, well-studied content ideas tailored to your audience, then create engaging guest posts that integrate backlinks to your website. Guest posting on Medium is a great place to start, and if you’re still looking to do more, don’t miss this article: Top 50 High Authority Guest Posting Sites.

Broken Link Building

Leverage tools such as Ahrefs or Semrush to identify broken links on industry-related websites. Develop comparable or superior content to substitute these broken links. Contact website owners, proposing the replacement of their broken links with your high-quality content for mutual benefit.

Reclaim Unlinked Brand Mentions

Establish Google Alerts to monitor references to your brand or products across the web. Spot instances where your brand is mentioned without a link to your site. Reach out to website owners, kindly asking them to include a backlink to your relevant page.

Resource Page Link Building

Look out for websites featuring comprehensive resource pages relevant to your industry, and produce high quality content matching their covered topics. Contact the site owners, proposing the inclusion of your content as a valuable resource, accompanied by a backlink for added value.

Skyscraper Technique

Identify competitor content that has earned backlinks from reputable sites. Develop more comprehensive and enriched content on the same subject, offering unique insights. Promote your improved content to the websites that linked to the original piece, proposing yours as a superior resource.

Social Media

Connect with industry influencers and journalists to foster relationships and explore potential backlink opportunities. Actively share your content on social media, engaging in industry discussions and groups. Respond promptly to inquiries and comments, showcasing your expertise, building trust and credibility.

Industry Participation and Networking

  • Engage with potential collaborators and partners by attending industry events, conferences, and webinars.
  • Participate in online forums and communities related to your niche, providing helpful contributions and building brand awareness.
  • Explore collaborative ventures with other businesses for joint projects or content creation, potentially leading to valuable backlink opportunities.

Local SEO and Business Listings

  • Enhance your online visibility in local search results by optimising your website with accurate business information.
  • Establish and manage profiles on local directories, review platforms, and industry listings.
  • Foster positive customer reviews and testimonials on third-party platforms to boost credibility and potentially earn valuable backlinks.

Monitor and Analyse Backlink Profile

  • Consistently monitor your backlink profile using tools like Ahrefs or Moz to evaluate quality and relevance.
  • Detect and rectify any detrimental or junk backlinks that could harm your site’s reputation.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your backlink strategies, making necessary adjustments for optimal performance.


Want Guaranteed, High Quality Backlinks?

Contact Wheatley Digital today to massively improve your search engine rankings through a comprehensive backlink building strategy. Best of luck!