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CBD: 5 Ways to Maximize Health Benefits

CBD stands out as one of the top natural health supplements people use to support and upgrade their health. It comes from the cannabis Sativa plant and features a series of substances that can help address various health issues. Many people are not alien to CBD and what it can achieve. There have been lots of research into the benefits of CBD and what it can do. As a result, it is not surprising that CBD is having its time, as many people turn to this substance for relief from various health issues.

People have used CBD in various countries and states and are getting improved health benefits. Better still, you can arm yourself with some tricks to get the most benefits from CBD. Here are five helpful suggestions to get the most out of CBD:

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1. Select the Ideal Delivery Method

The way you ingest CBD might affect your experience. Your experience is directly related to the method of ingestion. Interestingly, there are various ways one can consume CBD. For instance, there are lotions, creams, pills, oil, CBD bath bomb, CBD vape juice UK, and many others.

As a result, it might take a while before you feel the effect of CBD if you need pain relief if you swallow a CBD pill. However, applying it as oil or balm on the painful body part can result in quick and maximum results.

To get the best from CBD, one needs to choose the ideal delivery method that meets the intended need. Someone who needs the anxiety relief effect of CBD can consider using CBD gummies or pills. While it might take a while for effect to kick in, one will experience a long-lasting effect compared to another method.


2. Buy High-Quality CBD Product

As expected, the effect one can expect from CBD is tied to the quality. The FDA hasn’t approved the product. As a result, there are countless counterfeit products available in the market. This makes it essential to know how to select an authentic product and differentiate it from fake ones.

To recognize high-quality CBD, ensure you arm yourself with some tips. Only deal with a licensed dealer, and stay away from local gas stations as you might not be able to ascertain the authenticity. Ask for the lab report of any CBD product or scan the barcode on the label. It can direct you to the product information. The absence or inability of such info might signal a fake product.

Not only that, check the THC content of the product and other ingredients specified in it. You do not need products like propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine in your CBD. Also, flavors and coloring might be harmful to your health. However, if CBD is not legal in your state, you can alternatively use essential oils.


3. Consider Full Spectrum CBD

Most CBD products come in three formats: the full spectrum CBD, the CBD isolate, and the broad spectrum. Many experts have agreed on the effectiveness and reliability of full-spectrum CBD compared to pure isolate. You are better off consuming full-spectrum CBD than pure CBD isolate for maximum effect.

Full-spectrum means CBD with all the active compounds of cannabis present. As a result, the user will enjoy the benefit of CBD, THC, terpenes, and other compounds. You get the entourage effect which will benefit you immensely. This is better compared to CBD isolate, which contains CBD only. However, consider getting high-quality CBD + THC oil for maximum effect.

There are hundreds of phytochemicals in CBD alongside dozens of terpenes, all beneficial to humans. Besides, they are most effective when they work together, rather than working individually.


4. Work on getting the ideal Dosage

Another factor that affects the effectiveness of CBD is the dosage. However, the ideal dosage is not laid in stone as it is a gamble which requires time and patience for effectiveness. Also, you cannot decide your CBD dosage based on the recommendation of another person. Body chemistry, activity level, health, and all are different so that no one can recommend a dosage for you.

Yet, it would be best if you determined the ideal dosage as it is one of the best ways to get the best and maximize the effect of CBD. While there is no formula to get the ideal CBD dosage, start from the lowest dosage, and observe your body reaction. Observe the trend for some weeks and adjust accordingly.


5. Combine CBD with some Foods

A study by the Minnesota department explored the effect of bioavailability of CBD with and without some foods. It was concluded that foods with excessive healthy fats increase the absorption rates. According to a study, taking CBD on a full stomach after eating a food item high in fat boosts the absorption rate by 400%. Some food items high in healthy fats can increase the bioavailability of CBD and help you get the most benefit from it.

Here are some readily available foods you can eat before or while taking CBD to deliver maximum benefits. Samples food items are:

  • Fatty fish: examples are sardines, herring, trouts, salmon, etc. are fish for healthy fats. Such fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, nutrients, and others increase absorption of CBD.
  • Avocados: This is a unique food item that is low in carb but high in fat which maximizes the bioavailability
  • Dark Chocolate: is one of the most effective ways to increase bioavailability as it has 65% fats. Also, the level of antioxidants is high, complementing CBD in its action.
  • Whole Eggs are high in vitamins, proteins, and healthy fats. If you want to use CBD to lose weight, a combination with egg is a good idea.
  • Cheese: While many people think cheese is unhealthy, it comes with healthy fats and varieties of nutrients. You will increase bioavailability by combining CBD with cheese due to the nutritional fat content.
  • Coconut Oil: MCT oil is used by some industries as a carrier oil for CBD. This is not surprising as the healthy fats content of coconut is high. While coconut oil is good, eating the fruit also increases absorption, which will help maximize the effect of CBD.



CBD is beneficial and can improve your health in many ways. However, you can adopt some tips to improve the health benefits of CBD and get optimum results from using CBD. The tips listed here can guide you on getting the most benefit from CBD.