Automobile concerns with a worldwide reputation have factories for the production of vehicles in different countries, and countries producing cars of the same brand can be located on different continents. Both the equipment and the build quality of the car can depend on the country of the manufacturer, and for many this factor is decisive when choosing a car. If you are buying a used car and want to know exactly what country it was made in, use the VIN check service.
The Value of the VIN code for the Car
The VIN code is a kind of fingerprint of the car. If the registration certificate, insurance policy, or vehicle registration certificate may be lost, damaged and subject to replacement, then the VIN code remains unchanged throughout the vehicle’s entire life. Using the VIN code, you can not only decipher the basic characteristics, the country of origin, and the car’s date of manufacture, but also check the real mileage, and the condition of the car at the time of sale.
The VIN code is used as an international vehicle identifier. By this number, regardless of the country of origin and country of sale, you can track the entire history of the car from the moment it left the assembly line.
Advantages of checking the VIN code:
- Knowledge of the configuration allows the car owner to quickly and accurately find the necessary spare parts for car repair;
- Knowledge of the mileage and history allows the buyer of a used car to know its real condition and wear, identify hidden limiting factors, and damage and make the right purchase decision.
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How to Find out the Country of the Car Manufacturer by the VIN Code
The VIN number of the car consists of 17 characters, which are divided into three main groups. The international identifier of the brand and the country of the car manufacturer is the first group, consisting of the first three characters of the code – WMI. As a rule, the first character of the VIN number indicates the country of manufacture of the car, the second contains information about the brand. The third character in combination with the first two may indicate the type of vehicle.
In addition to the country of the brand, you can also find out the country of assembly from the VIN. As a rule, this information is encoded in 11 characters of the VIN code. Read more about how to determine the country of the car manufacturer by the VIN code and how to decipher the VIN code of the country, read here:
What Information About a Car can be Found using the VIN Code
In addition to information about the manufacturer, the VIN code also encrypts information about the model, factory equipment of the car, year of manufacture, and serial number. And this is not all the information that can be obtained using the vehicle identification number.
Using the VIN code, you can check the technical and user history of the vehicle and find out the following data:
- basic equipment and factory characteristics of the car—engine parameters, list, and marking of all parts that were in the car at the time of exit from the assembly line;
- availability of additional equipment, changes in configuration, repair, and replacement of parts during operation;
- date of release;
- features of maintenance—how often the maintenance was carried out, when was the last inspection, etc.;
- mileage data for fixed dates—as a rule, odometer readings are indicated in maintenance logs at service centers, in registration documents at the time of the last sale, and in customs documents if the car was imported from another country;
- sales history and number of car owners who have changed;
- data on the accident—the fact, date, and place of fixation of the traffic accident, other details by which you can find out about the degree of damage to the car;
- data on repairs, recovery after an accident, etc.;
- data on the status that limits the possibility of selling the vehicle—a pledge with financial institutions that is not recoverable, stolen / wanted, etc.
This list can be shortened or supplemented with other data from the history of the car, depending on which service is used to check the VIN code.