Manually Setting Up The Belkin Router
As we all know that in this fast paced world how much important the use of Internet is. No matter if we are using it for browsing videos or any content from our home or its been used by many multinational companies or cooperative companies on daily basis. Internet is everywhere and we need it. As an individual we should know how we can set up the router manually.
In this comprehensive guide we will get to know how you can setup your Belkin Router for max performance. We will also provide you the step by step instructions and tips on how you can manually setup the Belkin Router and how you can make most out of your Belkin router. Let’s start with the article.
First we have to understand What’s the importance of router . The router acts as a central hub for seamless communication between your devices and the Internet . Optimizing the router especially your Belkin router is very important to achieve a reliable fast and secure Internet connection.
So let’s Find out How You can Manually set up the Belkin router –
- At first, Connect the computer to one of the Ethernet ports of the Belkin router.
- Then the next step is to launch a web browser ( you can use Chrome or edge ) then enter the router’s IP address in the address bar and press ENTER.
( Generally the default IP address of a Belkin Router is )
- After entering the IP address and clicking the enter button you will see a new page named “router setup“. In this page you have to click on the login button.
- After clicking on the login button you will see a space for entering the password. Leave the password field blank and click on the submit button.
- You will see a new pop up which says Internet WAN under the Internet WAN you will see three options. Number 1 is Connection Type , Number 2 is DNS & Number 3 is Mac address. Click on the first option which is connection type.
- After Clicking on the Connection Type Option, Click Next
After selecting the connection type option, You will see another window opening which says select your connection type. Under this you will see five types of connection Number 1 is Dynamic Connection, Number 2 is Static Connection , Number 3 is PPPoE Connection, Number 4 is PPTP Connections & Number 5 is Telstra Bigpound/Optusnet Cable Connection.
Select your connection type & click on next . ( If you don’t know about your connection type then you have to contact your Internet service provider ISP )
- Now Click on the Apply Changes Button
You will now be able to connect to the Internet to verify the Internet status you can see the connected status at the upper right corner of the screen.
Now that you have manually set up your Belkin router you can use the Internet connection and visit your favorite website or browse the Internet. if you are facing some trouble, Then you can also connect with the Belkin customer support for mobile assistance.
So these were some of the tips by which you can manually set up your Belkin router. Make sure you are following these step by step to be able to set up the Belkin router correctly and if you are facing any problem regarding the connection type or any other technical issue then you can connect to the Belkin customer support for further assistance or any troubleshooting tips.
Make sure to follow the tips like- entering the correct IP address of the Belkin Router ( Generally the default IP address of a Belkin router is ).