Camping can be so much fun when you know what you’re doing. Also, when you have everything you need to enjoy a comfortable experience out in the woods. Being unprepared is the worst thing you can be when you’re sleeping outside, even if that “outside” is a fully equipped camping park that has things like communal showers and toilets. It’s even more important when you’re out there in the wild.
It doesn’t matter if you went camping in the past as a kid, or if it’s your first time, period. If this is the first time you’re going camping as an adult where you’re in charge, then there are a few key essentials that you’ll need. Getting these pieces of equipment can mean raiding your parent’s garage for their old tent or buying new.
Before You Go
As always, when it does come to buying new, know how you can save. This can mean shopping sales and adding coupons to your final checkout. The best way to save on a full camping set from Bass Pro, for example, is to wait for their sales and then see if there is a Bass Pro coupon you can add to your checkout. This is especially important if a big part of your camping trip is fishing, where you’ll need even more gear that’s right for your height and size. Someone large is going to need a vastly different fishing rod than someone small, after all. With all that in mind, it’s time to start ticking off these camping essentials from your buy list:
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Camping Tent and Bedding
The most important thing you’ll need is a tent, an air mattress or bed roll, and bedding. These are what will make a world of difference in how your camping experience plays out. The good news is that a lot of those items can be repurposed in different ways around the home. That air mattress can be used for guests staying over. The same goes for the sleeping bag.
Food Storage
You won’t have a fridge when camping. You’ll also need to be wary of bears and other wildlife getting into your stash. With all that in mind, not only will you need things like a cooler to keep your food, but you’ll also need to get a pully system and a proper trash disposal system so you can keep your campsite safe from wandering noses.
Cooking Equipment
You can absolutely cook on a fire, but for most hobbyist campers, you’ll be better off with a propane-based cooking setup. This gives you greater control over your food prep. With such a setup, you can cook hot meals like canned pasta or instant noodles (such as Mee Sedap). If the cost of such a system is too much, then the alternative is to prepare food at home and eat it cold. Sandwiches, pasta, salads and so on can easily be prepped for a short camping trip of a day or two, saving you the hassle of cooking on-site.
Comfort Equipment
Depending on how long your trip is, you’ll want to consider additional comfort equipment. Fold-out chairs and a mosquito net tent to cover the picnic table and food, are all great ways to make your camping experience more comfortable and, as a result, fun!