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How to Create an Airbnb Marketing Strategy

An excellent visitor experience is no longer sufficient to increase occupancy. Setting and following an Airbnb marketing plan is the next step in attracting visitors and filling your schedule for months to come. According to the Search Engine Journal, fifty percent of small and medium-sized firms lack a marketing plan. There is an additional 25% that have no idea how to build their business. As a result, how can you create a successful Airbnb marketing plan? In this article, you’ll learn about some of the most effective short-term rental marketing strategies.

Why is Digital Marketing Critical to your Success as a Vacation Rental Owner?

In today’s environment, the bulk of trades takes place online, even though promoting off-line might increase your booking rate. Consequently, digital marketing is essential to your success as a hosting company. Your company might be eclipsed by rivals that have a marketing strategy in place if you don’t take the time to implement one of your own.

In addition, you must be smart in your choice of digital marketing strategy. After all, your efforts aren’t simply going to be thrown out there. Spending effort on digital marketing tactics that don’t provide results is a waste of time. Avoid it. There are several ways that hosts and property managers have found successful.

1. Create Your Brand

In a competitive market, your brand is your first line of defense in standing out from the crowd. Effective Airbnb marketing relies on a well-known brand to foster customer loyalty and trust over time.

Your visitors will be more likely to remember your vacation rental home if you have a distinct brand for your company. When they’re ready to book with you again, they’ll be able to discover you more quickly.

Create a name for your company and a logo to help you build your brand. To simplify your Airbnb digital marketing plan, use your brand name and logo on all of your social media accounts.


2. Facebook

The newest statistics show that 52% of tourists use social media to get advice on where to go before going on a vacation. Facebook is a great location to market your vacation rental company since 42% of postings are about travel.

First, you’ll need to set up a Facebook business page for each of your Airbnb rentals. Create a link between your new page and your vacation rental listings.

Sharing travel-related articles on Facebook is an excellent way to promote your short-term rentals. Tips and suggestions on the best places to visit in your region, as well as activities to do and landmarks to view, might be included in this section.

Finally, you have the option of running ads on Facebook. You may use sponsored advertising campaigns to increase brand exposure, promote engagement, and attract new followers. Facebook will tell you exactly how much interaction you can expect from a sponsored ad campaign and how much it will cost to boost your post right on your company page.

Also Read: How To Use Facebook To Get A Job?


3. Create a YouTube Channel

Video-sharing website YouTube is the second-largest search engine online, behind Google. YouTube has a worldwide user base of 1.9 billion people who increasingly use the service to watch videos.

A YouTube channel is a great method to put your stamp on your company’s image. Create films that promote your assets as part of your YouTube marketing plan. Create informative and interesting material for visitors to learn more about your location. If you want to attract tourists to your region, for example, you may prepare a movie highlighting the best things to do and see in the area.

Your video material must provide something of value to the traveler to succeed. As a result, they would appreciate advice and insider information from a local expert.

“Top 5 Beaches to Explore” and “Top 10 Things to Do in (Your City)” are some of the greatest titles for your videos. Rank in YouTube search results depends on how popular your content is.

A key part of your YouTube marketing plan for Airbnb is creating a following. Cross-promote your Youtube channel on other platforms to increase your number of subscribers.


4. Instagram

Currently, Instagram is the most popular social media platform in the world. It’s particularly useful if you’re trying to target a more youthful demographic. More than 500 million individuals use Instagram every day. When it comes to reaching millennials and Generation Z travelers, Instagram is the place to be.

For one thing, it is a visually appealing site that is great for sharing photographs and videos that are interesting and timely. This is a great place to show off your rentals, as well as the benefits of booking with you.

Make an effort to make your company’s profile seem polished and professional. When it comes to editing and beautifying your images, you should understand how to utilize smartphone applications (Snapseed, Lightroom, VSCO, Afterlight, etc.).

It’s possible to save money and time by utilizing an app to produce fantastic content for your Instagram account. Don’t go crazy since you don’t want to dishonor your visitors when it comes to picture editing.

Spend some time experimenting with the platform’s various content forms. Now, it has iGTV videos as well as regular postings and stories. There are a variety of methods to put each of them to use:

  • Posts

Posts are a terrific method to highlight your home’s particular aspect or amenity. Be concise in your postings, and avoid trying to cover every aspect of your property in a single article. Instead, direct them to further material on your website (such as articles and reels) where they may find out more about the subject at hand.

Choosing the correct social media management platform is essential to effectively manage your social media postings. You may then use Social Champ, a tool that lets you manage many social media accounts from one place. Currently, they are running a BFCM promotion that includes a 30% discount on monthly plans for the first three months and a 50% discount on yearly subscriptions for the first year of service (offer valid till December 2, 2021). There is a discount on the Champ, Business, and Agency plans that may be used. BFCM2021 is the promo code to use when signing up.


  • Stories

Create a Highlights collection to save the articles you want to read later. This feature allows users to post a short-lived piece of material, such as a picture or video, to their profile. Highlights allow you to construct a collection of tales that will live on your profile indefinitely and be available for rewatching at your convenience.

For example, you may use Stories to chronicle the progress of repairs or new installations on your home. These tales may then be grouped into Highlights based on their subjects, such as neighboring attractions and interesting activities.


  • Reels

Do you have a jacuzzi in your rental property? Make a Reel that will compel viewers to learn more, or book a table! Reels are similar to Stories in that they may be used to keep tabs on ongoing developments or to highlight a particular selling element of your rental property.

As of right now, Instagram places Reels under user recommendations to be easily found.


5. Local Partnerships!

Your vacation rental company might benefit from local collaborations. Most of your rivals won’t take advantage of collaborations with local eateries, amusement parks, or equipment rental firms. Additionally, your business colleagues may assist in spreading the news about your vacation rental company in the local area, as well.

Special deals and discounts for your visitors might be made possible via collaborations with nearby businesses and other organizations. In this way, local firms will benefit from mutually beneficial cooperative partnerships. With your support, your visitors will be able to save money during their stay, thanks to local deals.



Despite the importance of Airbnb promotion, you can only go so far if you don’t have the correct property management tools. Vacation rental software helps your company function smoothly by simplifying everyday processes. As a result, you will be able to devote 70% of your time to duties like marketing and company growth.