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What Are The Prime Causes of Mental Illness And How to deal with it?

The brain is the powerhouse that controls every action and reaction in the body. The disorder which affects its functionality in thinking, emotion and behaviour is called a Mental Illness or Mental Disorder.

There are over 200 types of mental illness and the most common are anxiety, mood, psychotic, and dementia.

  • Mental health is a public health issue at the global level. which is not considered an individual issue anymore.
  • According to the report, “since 1990 mental illness has grown by 48% globally, and 1 in every 4 adults suffers from it.”
  • In addition, there is a drastic change seen in the cost of mental health, which is around 1 Trillion USD per year.
  • However, mental health is incredibly complex and there is a range of factors that cause illness in different ways and combinations as well.
  • Understanding the causes of these disorders can be a big step toward their treatment and prevention.


Top 4 Causes of mental health illness

Genetic disorders like depression, Bipolar, and schizophrenia can have genetic roots and can be passed down in a family. In addition, social factors like discrimination, poverty, displacement, and pollution have detrimental effects on mental health.

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#1. Inequality:

The gap between the average income of the top 10% and the bottom 50% of individuals in a country has almost doubled.

This has led to unequal distribution of income which means that despite numbers showing economic progression, there is a large set of people who are under financial burdens.

In addition, financially weak people experience fear, worry, and hopelessness and start feeling powerless in society, And, soon these feelings turn into anxiety and depression in those individuals.


#2. Climate Change:

Extreme weather events like floods, hurricanes, blizzards, hail storms, etc,  have become more frequent and are estimated to get more intense and frequent soon in the upcoming future.

More and more people are getting affected by these events that cause trauma, fear, loss of resources and property, and most importantly loss of loved ones.

For instance, the United States experiences more than 1000+ tornadoes every year due to climate change. And most of them heat to the populated region and have distorted billions of worth of property.

In those circumstances, people have to lose their homes, friends, and family. Which deeply impacts their mental stability and in some cases they even become mental patients.

However, the study of 2021 also indicates that many people started developing negative thoughts about climate change by living in constant fear of the future.


#3. Change in Social Structure:

Family bonds, social interactions, friends, and relatives are probably the most underrated factors of a healthy and happy mind.

Today, many people migrate from one city to another for better job opportunities, quality education, and advanced healthcare. The Urban population has increased globally due to this phenomenon.

The higher cost of living in cities makes it hard for lower and middle-class people to bring their families along and hence end up alone.

Nuclear families are not only devoid of love and care from their parents but also have no one to help them in any difficult situation.

As a result, this makes them feel alone, depressed, and not loved which leads to major mental health issues.


#4. Social Media:

Over 1 in 3 people worldwide use social media platforms. The apps which first gained popularity for keeping in touch with friends and family across the globe have started coming in the way of personal and private relations.

Researchers have found that heavy social media usage can lead to negative well-being and poor self-esteem.

People have started creating a fake world on social media platforms and are trying to live up to those false expectations.

Spending more time on social platforms decreases concentration, increases alienation from the present, and ironically makes you feel more lonely.

According to the Centre for research, 25% of adults and 13% of teenagers have reported depression and negative feelings after spending more time on social media.

It is clear that social media is responsible for an increase in mental illness.

These large-scale social and environmental changes have been responsible for the increase in mental health issues globally.


How to deal with these disorders (Prevention)?

Taking prevention at the right time can help an individual to overcome their mental illness.


The Following Tips can Help You Take Care of Yourself:

  • Taking care of yourself and loving yourself is the first step toward mental health care.
  • Keep your hobbies alive, don’t get lost in work, and make time for some creative time in a day
  • Quiet your mind, and practice meditation, breathing, and relaxation exercises to reduce stress.
  • Humans thrive on social interactions, getting out more and meeting people releases happy hormones in our system.
  • We heal when we help, and taking time to volunteer and help someone in need, will give a great sense of contentment.
  • Doing exercise, eating healthy food, and getting sleep well are great ways to improve both mental and physical health.
  • Reduce screen time and instead of that play outdoor games like cricket, football, and volleyball.
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, smoking, and other addictions.

However, consulting a therapist is also a good option to overcome your mental health illness. They can guide you by identifying the prime causes of your mental health conditions. Nowadays, it is easy to connect with therapists in just a few minutes using telemedicine apps. One can consult a therapist virtually and get guidance for their mental health condition. And on another hand, for therapists utilizing telemedicine for their care delivery is also beneficial. The cost to develop best telemedicine app is so minimal these days.

For more information regarding therapy and mental health check out Therapist Pages your one-stop destination for all things related to mental wellness. Therapist Pages provides in-depth, nuanced information and resources on a wide variety of mental health topics. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or simply looking for ways to improve your overall mental health, Therapist Pages has the information and resources you need.


Final Words

Taking care of your mental health is a sign of a healthy lifestyle. And most importantly reach out for yourself or for others and seek help in time. Remember to seek help for mental health only makes you stronger.