
Boost Your Website Traffic

Get Rid of Your SEO Content Writing Service Problems Once and For All

Did you know that Google uses more than 200 factors in their algorithms to rank websites? Even if one SEO factor goes wrong, it could adversely impact your search engine results. So, if you are familiar with common SEO content service problems, you can take proactive action to rectify them. Here are six SEO content writing service problems that you must get rid of once and for all:

1. Duplicate Content

Matt Cutts, Google’s former head of search spam had stated that 25-30% of the web’s content is duplicate content. Though Google doesn’t penalize you for duplicate content, it can lower your webpage ranking and of course, this could harm your brand’s reputation. The more unique and original content your SEO copywriter creates, the better value it delivers.


2. Outdated Content

Google filters out your website if it has outdated or expired content. Moreover, outdated content also wastes search engine’s time, space and data by crawling on irrelevant pages. You can address this issue by asking your SEO copywriting agency to remove such content immediately after it expires. 

HubSpot, the popular inbound marketing software company, had undertaken a painstaking exercise to remove 3000 pieces of outdated content from its blog to improve its SEO!


3. Poor Mobile Experience

55% of the world’s web traffic comes from mobile devices. You could lose a significant chunk of users if you don’t have mobile-friendly content. Make sure your SEO copywriting service provider optimizes the content and its format for easy access to phone users. Mobile content should be concise and load quickly.


4. Neglecting Link Optimization

When Google’s search algorithms find broken links on your website, they view it as a poor user experience and recommend other websites to the users. Poor link optimization will also lower your website’s domain authority. Your SEO copywriting company can use the crawl stats feature in Google Search Console to identify broken links and fix them.

Also Read: Top 6 Ranking Factors That Assures High Ranking In Search Results


5. Unoptimized Images

If the images in your content are not SEO-friendly, the page rankings may go lower in search engines and the website’s speed will slow down. Moreover, these images may also not appear in the Google Image Search feature. Hence, you should not ignore the importance of images in SEO traffic.

 A few of the ways to optimize images for SEO are:

  • Choose the right image file type – JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF
  • Resize the images to reduce the file size without compromising on resolution and quality
  • Optimize image file names and titles
  • Use alt image tags
  • Add keywords in image names


6. Ineffective Keyword Implementation

SEO keywords are the lifeline of the content. They are the first and foremost step in an SEO strategy to boost the search engine ranking of your content and web pages. However, ineffective keyword implementation practices can fail to achieve desired results. 

There are some factors you need to bear in mind for keyword strategy:

  • Do perform a proper and in-depth keyword research
  • Focus on long-tail keywords
  • Match the keywords with user search intent
  • Do not overstuff the content with keywords
  • Use keywords in URLs, meta descriptions, and title tags

Your SEO strategy needs to be robust and effective to make a noticeable impact. There should hardly be any scope for errors and if there are any, you should address them promptly. That’s why you should hire an SEO content writing company like 411 Writers which can develop engaging SEO optimized content. 411Writers’ SEO content writing service will take your business to the next level.up a notch.