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iX Global – Bridging the Gap Between Learning New Skills & Earning Through Them

Earning While Learning – Doesn’t It Sound Amazing?

Haven’t you wished for an institution, school, or course which did not just promise placements/ jobs and earnings after you finished the course but even during the learning phase? A course that helps you generate income in the present but also keeps you future-ready so that your knowledge stays relevant as per upcoming times as well?

In today’s competitive world, more and more students and individuals want to earn while they learn but they don’t know how to go about it. Earning while learning is the best way to fulfill your academic and personal goals, but do any such courses even exist?

You could be a student who wants a college degree but cannot afford the time or money involved in going to school for four years at a time, or might just be interested in earning some money without spending any on tuition and fees or you could be a working individual looking to develop new skills to earn more money using those skills as passive income – The good news is, YES, such a platform exists which enables you to EARN while you LEARN. Learn and Earn is not just a concept anymore.

iX Global, an educational platform, has created its courses on the foundation of empowering people to upgrade their skills and knowledge from time to time for better roles in our organizations and increased incomes. The vision of this edtech platform is to bridge the gap between learning new skills and earning through them. The focus of the platform is to empower the learners by providing them education on futuristic skill sets which help them earn additional income in the long run.

So, how do iX Global courses help you earn money after enrolling for the courses?
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Customized Courses

iX global platform lets one choose from a wide range of latest courses to develop the skills which are in demand in the market and have the potential to help you earn money. iX Global courses are customized to be a perfect balance of theoretical and practical knowledge. When a learner enrolls in the course, they are granted access to iX Global’s hybrid learning platform where the knowledge is imparted through study material on the platform and LIVE sessions with the industry experts. The coaches and trainers are the best in their fields chosen from across the globe. One can access the course material in multiple Indian and foreign languages as per the language of their choice.

Right at the time of joining, the learners become a part of a community where they are provided with information and updates related to the industry courses they have enrolled in. The learners’ community interacts with each other and this helps them in making informed business and investment decisions.

Also Read: How to Earn Money Online Without Big Investments?


iX Global Assisted Platform

Right at the time of joining the courses, the learners are motivated to start practicing what they learn every day. For example, for a trading course, the learners are given access to demo accounts where they can implement and practice everything that they are taught in the sessions to understand the information better and adapt to the learning quicker. Once they are confident enough they can start using this information to trade on the LIVE server as well.

For some courses like eCommerce and drop shipping, the ix global platform also provides assistance to learners to start their own online businesses by helping them with creation and setup. The objective of this is for learners to have their ready online platform to start their business as soon as they finish the course and they can start implementing the knowledge gathered during the course and convert it into profits and income.


Best Financial Trading Courses

iX global trading courses have been recommended and reviewed as the best courses in the “learn and earn” category. As per an ix global review by Charu Sharma, one of the learners on the platform – “ iX global courses are the most comprehensive courses I have come across. The trading courses have helped me earn money while I am still learning the tricks of the trade. The course material is thorough and current. I would recommend it to everyone who is looking to add new skill sets for their financial growth.”

This course has helped multiple individuals around the world to generate a passive income and has also created many entrepreneurs. The upside of taking any course with iX Global is the dedicated supportive ecosystem that the learners get to become a part of.